The beginnings of Statism in the Bible: 1 Sam 8

Statism: to have a Supreme Commander/Dictator, or centralized and complete planning and control over the people, the economy, and all property. Basically describing 90% of sovereigns in the history of humanity and its many totalitarian governments. This is the same in every age and place where people hanker for a nanny-state of paternalism and dictatorship. …

To Those Burning Our Cities: lessons in Class-Woke-War

When the Objectiveis Solidarity in Equality,then the irrepressible means to abolish all classis war between the Bourgeoisie and the Peasantrythe Exploiters have and the Exploited have-nots– irreconcilable –as history tells us, all war is history, all history is warto free themselves from class-ruleby abolishing class through reeducationor by removing the heads of those who own …

“Isn’t that just your Opinion?” [on how to cancel a conversation, bias, and ancient rhetoric]

click pdf here for printing. "When the quality of public discourse diminishes,so does the quality of our democracy."[1] The logic is irrepressible, that if something you have expressed (and believe to be so) is said to be “just your opinion” then you must simply keep it to yourself, since it has no relevance as to …

The Religious Triad of the Modern World: Marx, Freud, Darwin

the-religious-triad-of-marx-freud-darwin-by-stephen-hagueDownload It is important for us to realize that mankind is doomed to live more and more under the spell of a new scientific, social, and political mythology, unless we resolutely exorcize these befuddled notions whose influence on modern life is becoming appalling. Millions of men are starving and bleeding to death because two or …

An election week postscript on the credulity of the Progressive Mercedes-Marxists in our times who run our cities and control our Federal Government

In our time, in most places on the earth, the Marxist gospel has been spread with a subversive and ruthless sword, but in the constitutional republic of America, thus far, it has largely been advanced with a silver tongue that masks a spiteful heart (to get elected). This mission has been possible without any need for gulags or …

Speaking of the Baltimore press on the so-called “Uprising”: some throwback thoughts on Socialism-Communism

I have shared below some sobering insights from Berdyaev that might seem a bit out-of-date and unwelcome, since we all know that "Communism has collapsed." And also, no-one likes to hear from alarmists. Nevertheless, if you can bear with me momentarily, I suggest that there is recent evidence of an increase of deluded ignorance about economics in our beloved USA: it is seen …


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