The Religious Triad of the Modern World: Marx, Freud, Darwin

the-religious-triad-of-marx-freud-darwin-by-stephen-hagueDownload It is important for us to realize that mankind is doomed to live more and more under the spell of a new scientific, social, and political mythology, unless we resolutely exorcize these befuddled notions whose influence on modern life is becoming appalling. Millions of men are starving and bleeding to death because two or …

Darwin’s delusion about “race” [and it’s racist consequences]

Scientific racism and classism: The religion that Darwin created in his own image leaves many things to be desired, but chief among them are the consequences of his views on human dignity, equality, and the unity of the ONE human race. Listed among the darker consequences of his ideas are the fruits of Hitler's genocides, …


Stephen T. Hague


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