The beginnings of Statism in the Bible: 1 Sam 8

Statism: to have a Supreme Commander/Dictator, or centralized and complete planning and control over the people, the economy, and all property. Basically describing 90% of sovereigns in the history of humanity and its many totalitarian governments. This is the same in every age and place where people hanker for a nanny-state of paternalism and dictatorship. …

To Those Burning Our Cities: lessons in Class-Woke-War

When the Objectiveis Solidarity in Equality,then the irrepressible means to abolish all classis war between the Bourgeoisie and the Peasantrythe Exploiters have and the Exploited have-nots– irreconcilable –as history tells us, all war is history, all history is warto free themselves from class-ruleby abolishing class through reeducationor by removing the heads of those who own …

“Bound by the Chain of Command: Messed up from Top to Bottom” by Neil Cole (a review)

Review thoughts on “Bound by the Chain of Command: Messed up from Top to Bottom,” in Neil Cole, Organic Leadership: Leading Naturally Right Where You Are (Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2009), pp. 85-96). Discussing Jesus’s response to the “sons of Thunder” (James and John) who wanted to sit on each side of Jesus in his …

“The Vampire” FidoTheCastro has finally faded, but not “his enormous impact”

The true legacy of Marxism is that people dance in the streets when its dictators die, while at the same time its other defeated presidential candidates cause riots in the streets. The truly incredible possibility is that the Clinton/Obama/Sanders/Marx Tribunal for Tyranny cannot actually see the reality of fifty years of Castro's megalomaniacal reign of tyranny. Indeed, properly stated, …

An election week postscript on the credulity of the Progressive Mercedes-Marxists in our times who run our cities and control our Federal Government

In our time, in most places on the earth, the Marxist gospel has been spread with a subversive and ruthless sword, but in the constitutional republic of America, thus far, it has largely been advanced with a silver tongue that masks a spiteful heart (to get elected). This mission has been possible without any need for gulags or …

The Double-Speak Lexicon of Empress Hillary and Deposed Billary

“investment”: Socialization (state ownership of the means of production and total-taxation) of as much of the economic infrastructure as possible, so as to limit private investment in the economy by (evil)Capitalists on Wall Street (though we still like their contributions to our coffers). “jobs”: government socialization of as much labor as possible to “create” jobs …

The top ten worst liberal journalist tweets about the baltimore riots At this link above there are some good examples (from the Daily Caller) of what I referred to on FB about news anchors saying such stupid things like "I do not approve of the violence, but . . ." [fill in the blanks with idiotic things like "it is understandable" or "all this pent-up …

Oppression and Slavery in the Ancient Near East and the Bible

At our Fall Seminar, we covered the three major historical periods of human slavery that have logical connections between them: in Part I, I discussed briefly some of the A.N.E. and biblical context as background for considering the modern Atlantic slave trade (that only became illegal only in the nineteenth century). In Part II, other presenters addressed the Christian role in fighting to outlaw that trade and human enslavement in England and America. Both subjects set the stage to consider in Part III the grim realities of human oppression, trafficking, and slavery today that continue relentlessly in our own back-yards.


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